On Cloud Nine


    This show could be a million times better than I comprehend because the subtitles are so formal and weird that it pulled me out of the experience and I'm so upset because I think this story is probably one of the more beautifully told that I've seen to date. 

The way it is filmed is gorgeous. I spent a lot of time watching it just really appreciating the small details of lighting and scene prep. I want to know who their set designer was because they need to be working on more shows. 

I was impressed by the acting skills of both of them, and it may be because the entirety of this show had an air of student film that they both shocked me a bit. Though I've seen them both in other things, prior. They really impressed me, like... give Rossi a million more main roles, please? 

I want to give this show a much higher score than I'm going to, and the only reason it's not getting a full 10/10 is because of the fact that I could not be emersed enough due to the subtitles, and that really makes me want to learn Thai so much more, because it doesn't seem fair to fault them for the fact that I can't understand well enough, but alas... it did make the experience less enjoyable. 


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